How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Sliding Door in Spokane Valley?

If you think the cost of repair is too high, then you may want to consider replacing your sliding glass door. Before signing a contract with a sliding glass door replacement company or contractor, homeowners should ask each of them the following questions. Upgrades for sliding glass doors include automatic sliding doors, integrated blinds, shutters, pet panels, tinting, side lights, and aft windows. Installing a sliding door is not a job for DIYers and requires the help of a professional door installer. Homeowners should also consider if any of the following factors may affect the cost of the new sliding glass door.

If the project requires any modifications to the structure of the house, it is best to leave it to the professionals. Vinyl glass sliding doors require little maintenance and are resistant to water damage, but they usually don't last as long as fiberglass or wood doors. The sliding hurricane impact glass doors are made of double-paned tempered glass with a special film to prevent them from breaking. To ensure that homeowners are fully informed about what a sliding glass door replacement project entails, they can read these additional FAQs. If you want to keep your patio door open but don't want all the insects in your neighborhood to enter, a sliding door with a mosquito net will allow you to let in the cool breeze and keep pests away.

Sliding doors come with several types of glass, such as double-panel, tempered, noise- and hurricane-proof glass, and coated low-emissivity glass filled with argon gas. These doors are more energy efficient than French doors, but require more maintenance due to wear and tear on their sliding rails. There are certain customizations that can be added to a sliding glass door that will increase the total replacement cost. After many years of intensive use, the rollers or rails that guide a sliding glass door to open and close it could be damaged and may need to be replaced. A tall glass panel with a built-in pet door at the bottom easily slides into the existing door frame so that pets can easily get in and out.

If a sliding door is stuck and making it difficult to open, it's a clear sign that it will probably need to be replaced. The pocket system allows the panels to slide inside the wall to create the widest, unobstructed door opening.

Melinda Yazdani
Melinda Yazdani

Passionate pop culture aficionado. Friendly pop culture geek. Avid twitter scholar. Award-winning music expert. Hipster-friendly coffee buff. General coffee advocate.