Is it Time to Repair or Replace Your Sliding Door in Spokane Valley?

Are you noticing problems with your patio glass doors? Whether it's broken glass, drafts, or difficulty opening and closing, it may be time to consider repairing or replacing your sliding door. Alderfer Glass provides sliding door glass repairs and replacements in Coopersburg, PA and beyond. Sliding glass doors are a great way to provide a continuous flow between outdoor and indoor spaces. But all good things can come to an end, and you may find yourself in a position where your sliding patio doors don't work as well as they used to.

Here are some of the most common signs that you need to repair or replace your sliding glass door:

  • Cracked glass - this is a definite sign that you need a new sliding glass door.
  • Difficulty opening or closing - this could be caused by an object blocking the door or a build-up of dirt. It could also be due to a problem with the rails.
If you notice any of these signs, you'll know that servicing sliding doors should be on your to-do list. Renewal by Andersen of Spokane makes it easy and affordable to increase the value of your home with Renewal by Andersen sliding or hinged patio doors. We only install the highest quality sliding and hinged glass doors, such as ProVia, and locally manufactured patio doors.

Melinda Yazdani
Melinda Yazdani

Passionate pop culture aficionado. Friendly pop culture geek. Avid twitter scholar. Award-winning music expert. Hipster-friendly coffee buff. General coffee advocate.